​Share Your Story
The Skinnie strives to provide high-quality content that is particularly interesting and relevant to you. Suggestions
from our readers are always welcome. If you wish to share an idea with us, please review the following guidelines.
• Timing – We try to plan each issue 6-8 weeks in
advance. We recommend you contact us ahead of
time, especially if your idea is time-sensitive.
• Unique Content – Please inquire before investing
time and effort in your idea. It may be that we've
already published a similar story, or one has
appeared in another publication. If your article
pertains to an annual event that we've previously
featured, we may choose to not repeat ourselves.
We are unable to publish book reviews or poetry.
• Feature Stories – We often receive press releases,
which present facts and data, but are unsuitable for a
magazine that publishes feature articles. We look for
personal stories that share a human element that
make such a story worth reading. That’s the meat.
If your story idea is approved, we may pursue it
ourselves, or invite you to submit a finished article.
• Less is More – We look for feature articles 1,000-
1,500 words in length. "Economy of words" is our
rule of thumb. Avoid wordy descriptions and hyperbole,
to create a clear and concise narrative conveyed in a linear manner.
• Editorial Approval – Please send your submission as a Word document, so that we can edit it. All articles are subject to an editing process. Thank you for understanding your story may not be published exactly as it was written.
The Skinnie welcomes commentary from our readers, and we are happy to provide a forum for polite discussion of topics of concern. However, we do not publish unsigned letters, or letters printed in other publications. You may email your letter to slauretti@theskinnie.com
The Skinnie offers non-profits and local civic groups a forum for events and activities. Items are listed in chronological order as space allows. Deadline is the Friday prior to publication. Send your listing to mail@theskinnie.com
We welcome photographs and other graphics for use on our cover, to accompany articles, or for features such as Wild Things. Images should measure close to their expected run size, with a resolution of 300 DPI. Please provide raw JPGs; do NOT send them embedded in a Word document. Bear in mind our cover is VERTICAL; possible cover image should be oriented accordingly. Please email your images to production@theskinnie.com
If you’re uncertain how best to see your idea in print, please contact us. We’ll be happy to help.